Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Terrell Smith Story

Terrell Smith

Mr. O’Brien




The Deadly Banana


My vacation began in Brazil when I landed in the beautiful tropical savannah of Rio de Janeiro. As being the second largest city in Brazil behind Sao Paulo, the streets were crowded and the delightful smell of feijoada lingered. My taste buds were soaring as I was ready to try one of the most famous dishes in Brazil. From the intricate designs of the favelas to calm clear waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Brazil seemed like the perfect place to live. Although I was starving as I drooled over the Brazilian style meats and fruits, I knew that there was an adventure for my mother and I that we would enjoy.

We began our adventure with travelling to the famous Christ the Redeemer statue, which towers over Rio. Listed as one of the New Wonders of the World in 2007, this statue was one of the first things my mother and I planned to see. My mother and I were filled with smiles as we began our journey up the mountain. After a half an hour our bodies were tired because the mountain to get to the statue was very steep and it was about 90 degrees and humid. Luckily we remembered to fill our canteens with water that saved us through mountainside. Heavy breathing and numb legs were dragged as our tired bodies finally reached the statue. The long and strenuous hike was definitely worth it. It was a fascinating sight as we look over the city of Rio. I felt on top of the world as we surveyed the city, its people, and mesmerizing scenery. The statue welcomed my mother and I as it stood proud and tall with open arms. To over look the extravagant landscape of beaches and mountains was mind blowing, a sight that I could never forget.

After experiencing this unforgettable view from the Christ Redeemer statue, we unwisely decided to continue on our travels and skip a meal. Making this decision to continue without eating we knew was a health risk but this was the only day we would be able to see the Iguazu Falls. Once again we had to take a long hike to the falls because there were not any paved roads near the Iguazu Falls. Thankfully I still had water but knew that my energy was running low and I would need to eat at least fruit to give me energy. My mother and I decided we would eat once we reached our destination. My desire to eat ultimately motivated me to not complain and continue with a quick pace towards the Falls.

It was tough making our way through rocky paths filled with steep hills. While hurrying, we wished we brought bikes because it was demeaning to our motivation seeing people ride by us in mo-pads and bicycles. Nevertheless, we kept our heads up and finally reached the falls. Rainbows and mist surrounded the area as the water splashed everywhere. We finally made it to a fruit stand where we would be able to refuel in order to enjoy the rest that Brazil had to offer. I bought two bananas not knowing that one of them would contain one of the most deadliest animals in the world. I peeled the lethal banana and before I go to eat a spider comes rushing out. Due to my athletic like reflexes I smash the little spider. I bring it to the cashier and she screams as she must know something I do not. She tells me to throw it out in a loud screeching voice as if the spider is a monster.  I do what she says and then ask her why she reacted that way. According to the store clerk and what I later find out in the Guinness World Records Book is that the Brazilian Wandering Spider is the world’s most venomous spider. Once hearing this, I stood with a blank stare knowing that my life just flashed before my eyes.

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