Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Shifting Shore, by Jonathan W. A. Barr

As the sky matches the sand
In its warm hue
The clouds twist around the sun,
Taking the form of dragons and demons
Looking as if they may shoot out from the fire
Of the largest star and land on the shore
The heat the clouds contain is uncontainable
An angry scorpion, clawing at the heavens
Not willing to give up its hold
That is has had on the earth
And those that live upon it
Its scorching reach, its blistering heat
Fighting to last just one more hour
Of inconceivable power

Which might seem frightening, if not contrasted
With the empty serenity
Of the deep blue that it intersects
The azure turns bright as it hits the sun
But the heat knows it has met its match
So as the dragons in the clouds remain
They do not dare approach closer,
As the force that it fights
Takes on the color of the ocean below it
Creating an image of balance
Between the cosmic forces of fire and ice
Washing over the heat of the day
So that a cool breeze picks the people up
And revitalizes those who had been struck down
By the claws of the fiery sun

Their houses, separated from the sky
Mark the shift in firmamental forces
As the blood-red walls lose their striking shade
And the shadows overwhelms the structures
Which, in other circumstances, would seem dark,
An ominous force, seeking to cast darkness
But these shadows still blend with the sun
So they are not pitch black, but light, a gray
That cools color, rather than wipes it away

The lights in the houses are dark
Providing the escape of the heat inside
The sun has only begun to set in the sky
So the homes have no power inside
The bright wallpaper on the outsides loses potency
While the darkness within the homes becomes darker
With no obnoxious coloring to offset the serene mood
Aside from bright towels, hung outside
Far in the distance, as if the powers of the universe
Want to upset the mood as little as possible
The chimneys help to eject the sun from the skies
As the orange leaves the house through the bricks
Contributing to the overwhelming calm taking place

The sand bears the marks of those
Who had been brave enough to bear the heat
The ground underfoot bears signs of chaos
From those who ran, sat, jumped, walked,
Across the canvas of the earth
Until no patch had been left pure
But now, with not a person in sight,
Even those signs of pandemonium
Of the crowds that had flocked to the sea
And had left the floor of the shore upturned
Seemed peaceful, as if to provide a reminder that,
No matter how insane the world may act,
There will always be a time of rest

But alas, even the beach ends somewhere
And the sand soon bleeds into patches of grass,
A stray strand of wooden fencing that marks the boundaries
Of where earthly woes must be remounted
And the path back to the world must be trod

Back to houses, back to telephone poles,
Back to the trash barrels that no one uses,
Back to the glaring colors of the stray towels
Back to the source of what caused
The chaos upon the sandy scene
And back into the clutches of the fiery sun
Reminding us of why we need
The ocean, the calm blue of the sky,
The gentle breeze that comes with the night,
And that wondrous, magnificent haven

From the rest of the world and its fire

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