Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Nile Hardy
British Literature
Mr. Obrien
American Gothic
By Grant Wood

Depressing, unnerving, dark… True America?
These are words that came to my mind,
When viewing this painting for the first time
So simple, only two people, a man and a woman.

A house, some trees.
Simple shapes, blank expressions, and a pitchfork.
But one of America’s best known paintings.
The man’s immovable demeanor, the woman’s troubled,
Expression, the Great Depression maybe?

So simple, but extraordinarily complex in imagination, and interpretation.
Is the farm failing?  Will they not leave? Are they both,
Willing to face the ordeal, or is just the husband?
The pitchfork. He is gripping the pitchfork, his livelihood
In his right hand.

There is a red barn in the back, farmers
I would assume.  But they are not in traditional farming attire
So are they farmers? The man, he is standing like a statue
His face has a look of determination, and concealed anger
But if they are not farmers, and it is not during the Great Depression
Then what is the situation? I am curious.

Nevertheless, the man and woman’s facial expressions show
They are standing strong against something threatening,
But whatever the circumstances of the painting, Grant Woods
Left American Gothic open for a wide range of interpretations.

 Man and woman with stern expession stand side-by-side. The man holds a pitch fork.

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