Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Jane Eyre Independent Study

Jane is in love with a married man and is still struggling to come to grips with that.  I suggest she reads this article.

She feels stuck, lost in her own ways a little bit.  Caught up in her new life but conflicted.  Each way she turns, she can't really find a better solution.

This song applies to Jane on the inside.  Although she has moved from town to town, she still feels lost.  Her "town" is on the inside and feels like there is no way out.  Even if there is some good that comes out of it, she is still surrounded by "vampires. Turns out I'm a vampire myself in the devil town."

Love Versus Autonomy

The video we watched in class talked about Autonomy, but in a difference sense.  The video talked about Autonomy from incentives.  But if Jane frees herself from love, she might feel less of the stresses.

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