Tuesday, February 4, 2014


It was the beginning of the end; the beginning of a new season and the end of the old one. It always amazed me in life how nature always takes the same course without hesitation. But how that course could move at different pace depending on where you were was even more amazing. I could always count on the subtleties of the earth to reach a conclusion for me when I was placed in a tough situation. The effortless answers that God allows to be presented to us his own form of art known as nature allowed me to place certain reliability in life to lead me in the right direction. I would only hope to be so lucky and find my answer in today’s journey through the trees.

 I began slowly with major resistance. One foot forward, the other foot back. One step followed by another.  I took a moment of reflection as I walked through the park. On this grey day I searched for clarity. My head hung low with my eyes rolled down only to find more confusion blurred in last night’s rain.  The red, orange, and yellow leaves distorted in water on the pathway simplified to a limp and brown material. The soft, warm breeze swung slowly past my face, occasionally carrying a leaf. This path that I walked seemed infinite. The sun wasn't shining but its presence was evident through the comforting air.   

As I looked over to my right and through the leaves I could see Joy and I envision endless possibilities; the potential for my hardships to develop into a greater purpose beyond my expectations. I could see something beautiful emerging through the trees. My dark reality of what was to come was dismantled by the bright hues exemplifying what I might be able to replace my future with.  The array of colors randomly unorganized allowed me to see my life for what it truly was.
I stopped to rest on the bench with my feet pulled up and over the wood. The bench leaned slightly back at the proper angle for me rest my head. Drifted away into my thoughts, I fell into a gloomy sleep. I dreamed that just like the trees could regrow its leaves so gracefully, that my life would be restored in that manner.

But then I woke up and turned to sit up right on the bench. When I opened my eyes to look forward I could feel my hopes drift away, becoming fainter and more like a wishful dream than a possible reality. The weak and fragile branches left little for the imagination. It caused no struggle to see between its lines. It was a clear sight that could lead to nothing greater than its current situation. It signified the end.

 In which direction was my life headed? What will be my final destiny? The beginning or the end? It seemed as though nature didn’t have an answer for me today. Maybe the seasons were just as confused as I was.

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