Thursday, September 26, 2013

Top 10 Boasts from Characters of Beowulf

  1. “In his day, my father was a famous man, a noble warrior-lord named Ecgtheow. He outlasted many a long winter and went on his way. All over the world men wise in counsel continue to remember him” (lns 262-266)
  2. “So every elder and experienced councilman among my people supported my resolve to come here to you, King Hrothgar, because all knew of my awesome strength. They had seen me boltered in the blood of enemies when I battled and bound five beasts, raided a troll-nest and in the night-sea slaughtered sea-brutes. I have suffered extremes and avenged the Geats (their enemies brought it upon themselves, I devastated them)” (lns 415-424).
  3. “So Breca made good his boast upon you and was proved right” (lns 523-524).
    1. disregarding Beowulf’s past boast about his triumphs, relays that Breca’s boast holds true
  4. “I was the strongest swimmer of all” (ln 534).
  5. “But Breca could never move farther or faster rom me than I could manage to move from him” (lns 541-543).
  6. “I had a fixed purpose when I put to sea. As I sat in the boat with my band of men, I meant to perform to the uttermost what your people wanted or perish in attempt, in the fiend’s clutches. And I shall fulfil that purpose, prove myself with a proud deed or meet my death here in the mead-hall” (lns 632-638).
    1. illustrating his loyalty to people, setting out on an extraordinary, heroic task on behalf of the community, for their safety
  7. “He had scant regard for the dragon as a threat, no dread at all of its courage or strength, for he had kept going often in the past, through perils and ordeals of every sort, after he had purged Hrothgar’s hall, triumphed in Heorot and beaten Grendel. He outgrappled the monster and his evil kin” (lns 2347-2354).
  8. “No king of any neighbouring clan would dare face me with troops, none had the power to intimidate me” (Lns 2733-2736).
  9. “There was Shield Sheafson, scourge of many tribes, a wrecker of mead-benches, rampaging among foes” (lns 4-5).
  10. Introduction of Hrothgar as a good king

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