Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kahse Mandarino
10 ways good prevails over evil in Beowulf

1. “In the end each clan on the outlying coasts beyond the whale-road had to yield to him and began to pay tribute. That was one good king” (9-11).

2. “Like a man outlawed for wickedness, he must await the mighty judgment of God in majesty” (976-978)

3.  “Since Cain had killed his only brother, slain his father’s son with an angry sword. God drove him off, outlawed him…” (1261-1264)

4. “God cursed-brute” (121) “the mightiest man on earth” (197)

5. “After many trials, he was destined to face the end of his days in this mortal world, as was the dragon, for all his long leasehold on the treasure” (2341-2344).

6. Beowulf represents good and is able to defeat three monsters of evil, the dragon, Grendel, and Grendel’s mother

7. The Danes pray to God meaning that they believe that god will make good prevail over evil.

8. Good vs. Evil is like light vs. dark in Beowulf, even though Beowulf was poisoned by the dragon, he was still able to get rid of the evil and everyone lives happier ever after

9. Another example of light vs dark, Grendel and Grendel’s mom come from the dark depths of a swamp.

10. Beowulf’s strength is greater than Grendel’s, just like good is better than evil

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